My list from 4th graders of ‘what to when you’re stuck in your writing,’ includes simple suggestions that are useful beyond writing—reaching into other areas of my life and work.
The development of discipline and skill in writing and meta-cognition about one’s own processes are certainly strengths that transfer to other tasks. But even beyond that, is the self awareness of how to access, or call up, the sparks of inspiration and motivation to create and work through challenges.
What we can do when we’re stuck in our writing:
- Start remembering and write a memory
- Close your eyes and think about what you’re thinking about
- Look at the world around me/be a careful observer (they have gone out to observe)
- Check your topic list (each child made a list of things they might write about such as family, dog, sports, etc.)
- Brainstorm all the words related to my topic and write them down
- Write a list
- Talk with a friend
- Reread entries I’ve already written
- Begin with a sentence like “I remember,” or “I feel”
- Keep my pencil moving
- Read “Love that Dog”
- Write about my mind being empty, nothing to write about
photo: Television, OCPS. writing1.jpg. 1998. Pics4Learning. 4 Feb 2015 <>