We’re inspired by “The Writing Assignment that Changes Lives” and dreaming about creating our own writing program for Advisories that continue to be problematic in many schools.
A friend called to tell me about a dream where he was talking on the phone with a mutual friend who had passed away too soon in life. The friend said, “Everything is good.”
I’m collecting relevant readings for student teachers on-site as if they will find time and space to happily read beyond their course work.
I’m reading. I’m writing. I’m thinking. Talking with friends and colleagues over coffee and computers. I remember the people in the school buildings and look forward to seeing them again.
In the middle of summer, we dream of possibilities for the fall. We dream as if the sky’s the limit. We dream.
photo: Carey, Chris. sunst002.jpg. 7/15/1995. Pics4Learning. 16 Jul 2015 <http://pics.tech4learning.com>